
  • Regarding Coming of Age Concert - 2009
  • "I was fortunate enough to attend your concert at Llewellyn Hall the other week. I hadn't heard of your group beforehand but am very glad that chance led me there. I very much enjoyed the professionalism and energy of the group, along with the fresh and varied dynamics, and the quirky, individual, but beautifully blended appearance on stage. Thank you for a wonderful evening and experience...
    ... your finale was absolutely amazing and the balloons were a wonderful participative way to end on a real high."

    - Helen


  • Regarding Moruya Jazz Festival 2009
  • "The inaugural Festival of Voice, drew unbelievable crowds. There was not even standing room... Strangeweather Gospel Choir, back after a break last year sounded better than ever."


    "To the delight of patrons, The Glorious MUDSingers and Strangeweather made an additional appearance in the Catholic Church, an outstanding venue for the voice, where they literally brought down the roof."
    - Festival Newsletter


  • Regarding Concert Performance
  • "The discipline of the choir, blended with their unsuppressible joy in performing was a lingering memory of the evening."
    - Artlook

    "... a refreshing experience..."
    - Artlook

    "If it had been physically possible... the audience would have been hanging from the rafters."
    - Canberra Review


  • Regarding Battle of the Choirs
  • "It was a no-audition choir that sang from its collective heart a song
    called "Unwritten". At the moment they sang the line, "live your life with
    arms wide open" that's exactly what the 50-odd individuals were doing.
    Together. No me. Just we. It was the kind of magic you just don't see on TV"
    - Catherine Deveny, The Age, 28 June 2008

    * Read her article here: http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2008/06/26/1214472678487.html


Copyright © 2025 Strange Weather Choir